Sunday, December 6, 2009

Is it worth it vs. Is it painless

Leading Julep is by far the most engaging job I've ever had. It is also the most joyful, painful, fun, stressful, exciting, and draining. Like every significant relationship in my life, the central question to me is, "Is it worth it?" Answering "YES" to this question is very powerful.

Because the avoidance of pain is NOT why one would decide to start-up a high-end retail start-up in the worst economic times in a half-century. There are mainly more painless options in the world.

What makes Julep worth it for me is:

  • Awesome guests who come in with their moms, daughters, sisters, and colleagues - just the way we dreamed
  • Amazing colleagues I learn from everyday
  • Stretching and learning everyday

There is nowhere else I'd rather be.